
Webinar: learning to listen again

Governments need to listen to all voices, particularly those from underrepresented groups, to develop policies that work for everyone. Listening to and learning with those who are seldom heard is critical if governments are to develop policies and responses that work for all of society; not just the dominant voices. It is also critical to building trust and collaboration in the fight against COVID-19. But what does good listening look like? How does listening lead to action?

This webinar explored the role and importance of listening to people experiencing complex challenges, and offer some insights around how to do it in a way which builds trust and lasting relationships.


  • Dr Suze Wilson (Senior Lecturer, School of Management, Massey University)
  • Ruth Ball (Senior Associate, CPI)
  • Jerome Harvey-Agyei (Senior Children & Youth Participation Officer, Greater London Authority)
  • Facilitated by:

    Simon Kent (Deputy CEO, Thought Leadership, ANZSOG)

Watch the webinar

materials hub

To take our webinars further, we’ve collated a wide range of material exploring learning to listen again.

the theory

Dive more deeply into this topic by learning more through blogs, articles and reports.

in practice

We’ve collated case studies and material to illustrate what these ideas look like in practice, and offer frameworks and tools to support experimentation with a similar approach in your work.

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Our Community of Practice is a forum for conversations over the course of the webinar series, as well as a chance to build new relationships with like-minded people passionate about reimagining government. Content in webinars will be brought to life, with interactive sessions, conversations and networking opportunities.

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