Our Resources

resources: Our work in action
Building government legitimacy
Government innovation| Legitimacy| communities

resources: Our work in action
CPI’s Collective
learning| systems change

resources: Reports and toolkits
Harnessing social imagination in the era of the climate crisis
Reports and toolkits

resources: Reports and toolkits
Human learning systems: public service for the real world

resources: Reports and toolkits
Storytelling for Systems Change: Listening to Understand
systems change

resources: Reports and toolkits
The Opportunity Project for Cities sprint toolkit: A guide for community-driven innovation sprints in local governments
Listen to the reimagining
government podcast
We talk to public servants and politicians at the heart of government, to shine a light on how to reimagine government so it works for everyone.

Our work in action

resources: Our work in action
Building government legitimacy
Government innovation| Legitimacy| communities

resources: Our work in action
CPI’s Collective
learning| systems change

resources: Our work in action
Conversation, culture, and collaboration: building community hubs in Redbridge