
Saumya Shruti (she/her)

Senior Associate, Global Development Initiative

Saumya Shruti is a Senior Associate with the Global Development Initiative at Centre for Public Impact.

She joined the CPI team in 2020.

Saumya graduated from Georgetown University with a double major in Government & Philosophy. She has also studied Government, Surveillance and IT, Comparative Political Thought, and Global Justice & the Environment.

She has loved working on the Innovation Training Programmes with CPI, in which she followed cities in their design and innovation journeys around solving complex issues within their contexts. These programmes reinvigorated her faith in public service and government, reminded her of the power of working with community, and have inspired her to want to study urban planning at graduate school.

She was also a Board Member at the South Asian Society in Georgetown, DC. She dedicated her time to building out the South Asian community on campus and used her leadership as an opportunity to push the boundaries of what inclusivity looks like within the South Asian Community.

Saumya volunteers as an Early Childhood Education at a community library in New Delhi, India. The library is an explicitly anti-casteist and anti-racist grassroots community library.

In her leisure time, Saumya enjoys dancing, comedy shows, good movies and TV shows, good books, time with friends in community, and the mountains.