Learning experiences from the Centre for Public Impact Australia Aotearoa New Zealand (CPI ANZ) to support those working in and around the public sector to feel more confident navigating complexity.
Big ideas and practical tips for reimagining government
Ranging from half-day ‘Orientations’ to multi-session ‘Expeditions’, our learning journeys are designed to support those working in and around the public sector to feel more confident in evolving their ways of working to respond to the complex challenges that face government today.
Topics we can explore together
Collaboration in complexity
Learn new ideas, tools, and concepts that support effective collaboration in complex environments.
Adaptive leadership
Reflect on your leadership and learn new ideas, tools, and concepts that support an approach to leadership that embraces complexity, relationships, and learning.
Systems thinking
Delivered with The Systems School
Build a foundational understanding of systems thinking as a practice and become more systemic in thinking and ways of working.
A unique, experiential approach to learning
Bespoke and tailored to the needs and context of the participants
Centred on collective learning, focusing on coaching and learning together
Inspirational, while also grounded in practical advice
About exploring shifts in both being and doing (i.e. what we do and why we do it)
Uniquely experiential and engaging, using creative activities and games
Reflective, drawing from the collective wisdom of the people in the room

Orientations and expeditions
Orientations are half-day sessions that give participants the opportunity to start familiarising themselves with the new ideas, concepts, and tools.
Expeditions are a chance for participants to more deeply explore, experience, and apply the ideas, concepts, and tools to their context across multiple sessions (ranging from 1-day to 6-months in duration).

What to expect
While each learning journey is unique and tailored to the needs and context of the cohort, participants will be introduced to new ideas and take part in experiential learning activities and games (grounded in theory) that help connect with the ideas and concepts explored.
Participants will be invited to reflect on their own context and supported to experiment with how the ideas, tools, and frameworks can be applied in their context.
Start your learning journey
Contact us to discuss how we can work together to craft a learning journey for your team, agency, organisation, agency or department.