reimagining government podcast

A podcast shining a light on government changemakers around the world.

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Governments are under increasing pressure to bring about the results people expect while remaining trusted and relevant. However, they are often not set up to respond to the complex challenges we face as a society.

This podcast explores radical new approaches to addressing global issues. By speaking with public servants and politicians at the heart of government, we’ll shine a light on how to reimagine government so it works for everyone.

Find us on your favourite streaming platform. If you have any questions, comments or suggestions for the podcast, get in touch or leave us a voice note.

Why Work In Government

Season 3: episode 6

In every podcast episode, we meet people who work in government and public service. We’re always impressed by their passion and commitment. But what drew them to their work, what drives them and why do they keep doing such a tough job? In this episode, we talk to real public servants about the joys and challenges of their work.

Featured in this episode:

Games and Government

We all know games are fun, but what if they could help us tackle the very real challenges we face in government?

Our host Adrian Brown talks to experts about how games are being used to change behaviour, build community relationships and improve policies in Brazil and India.

Featured in this episode:

  • Adrian Brown (host), Founder of Centre for Public Impact
  • Keshav Sahani (co-host), Centre for Public Impact
  • Tais Costa, Fortaleza City Government, Brazil
  • Trina Talukdar, Fields of View, Bangalore, India

Does regulation really matter?

Season 3 episode 4

Regulation: a word that sends shivers down the spines of many public servants across the globe. But are we looking at it wrong? Can regulation be something that we embrace as a route to innovation in public service?

In this episode, we hear about practical examples of regulation being done differently to achieve real change. 

Featured in this episode:

  • Adrian Brown (host), Executive Director at Centre for Public Impact
  • Carina Gormley (co-host), Senior Associate for the Climate Change Initiative at Centre for Public Impact
  • Connie Binkowitz,  Director for Development of Public Policy, Center for Transforming Communities in Memphis, Tennessee
  • Thomas Johnson, Greater Manchester Combined Authority, Head of Reform Strategy and Policy

Reimagining impact

Season 3: episode 3

Impact means different things to different people, depending on things like positions of power, units of measurement, and personal biases. So is impact really the thing we should be striving for, or is there something else we should be considering?

In this episode, we speak to two leaders who are reimagining impact evaluation systems to make them more meaningful and effective.

Featured in this episode:

  • Adrian Brown (host), Executive Director at Centre for Public Impact
  • Pravallika Valiveti (co-host), Global Senior Manager, Knowledge, Learning and Impact at Centre for Public Impact
  • Zazie Tolmer, ​​Evaluation Practitioner & Director at CoIntent ApS
  • Andera Delfyna, Learning & Innovation Expert at Light for the World

Reimagining funding

Season 3: episode 2

Anyone who works in social impact knows how important funding is. But what if we could do things differently? What if, instead of starting with what the funder needs, we put communities in control of how funding works?

Join us to explore two innovative examples of organisations reimagining funding, from supporting sex workers’ rights to tackling climate change.

Featured in this episode:

Government in the year of elections

Season 3: episode 1

2024 is a historic year for elections with over 50 countries across the globe going to the polls. Elections shape our political landscape and are a chance for people to have their say. But what does this year of elections mean for democracy? Are there better ways for citizens to shape their cities and countries?

In this very special election year episode of Reimagining Government, we host a roundtable exploring the opportunities and limitations of elections.

Featured in this episode:

  • Adrian Brown (host), Executive Director at Centre for Public Impact
  • Beatriz Cano Buchholz (co-host), Europe Programme Manager at Centre for Public Impact
  • Omezzine Khelifa, Activist and former politician in the first free and fair elections in Tunisia
  • Jon Alexander, Co-founder of the New Citizen Project and author of Citizens: Why the Key to Fixing Everything is All of Us

Special: storytelling and government

Stories can change lives, communities, and systems.

In this episode, we explore how telling and listening to stories can help to reimagine government.

We’ll hear about how one man’s story of caring for his mother ignited a cultural shift in how stories are embedded in Scottish public services, and how a controversial fruit is helping to break down barriers between communities in Indonesia.

This special episode is part of the Digital Kick-off for the Creative Bureaucracy Festival 2024. #cbf24

Featured in this episode:

  • Adrian Brown (host), Executive Director at Centre for Public Impact
  • Rosie McIntosh (co-host), Global Director, Storytelling and Communications at Centre for Public Impact
  • Tommy Whitelaw, National Lead, Person Centred Voices, The Health and Social Care Alliance
  • Ima Abdulrahim, Co-Founder and Co-Director, Cerita Caravan

What have we learned from season two of Reimagining Government?

Season 2 wrap-up

Athena Hughes, Naja Nelson, and our host Adrian Brown revisit highlights and delve into the topics we covered. Join us to explore failure, imagination in government, and what on earth a paradigm shift is.

Featured in this episode:

  • Adrian Brown (host), Executive Director at Centre for Public Impact
  • Athena Hughes (co-host), Senior Associate at Centre for Public Impact
  • Naja Nelson (co-host), Senior Associate at Centre for Public Impact
  • Dan Vogel, CEO, Flourish Fund
  • Dr. Oliver Escobar, Professor of Public Policy and Democratic Innovation, The University of Edinburgh
  • Hannah McDowall, Co-Director, Canopy
  • Jaime Junior, Advocacy and Community Education Coordinator, Disability Network of Wayne County Detroit
  • Javiera Godoy, Programme Manager, Centre for Public Impact
  • Karen Lawson, Interim Co-Director for Europe, Centre for Public Impact
  • Martin Begley and Lara Colraine, Inverclyde Early Help in Custody Service
  • Toby Lowe, Visiting Professor in Public Management, Centre for Public Impact

How do you have difficult conversations?

Season 2: episode 6

This episode mentions difficult subjects, including suicide or suicidal thoughts.

Anyone working in government or public services knows that sometimes we must be vulnerable and have difficult conversations.

It can be daunting, but if we ignore challenges, things only get worse. Join us as we explore different ways of approaching these conversations courageously and hear examples of when they can help make a real difference to the people we serve.

Featured in this episode:

  • Adrian Brown (host), Executive Director at Centre for Public Impact
  • Karen Lawson (co-host), Interim Co-Director for Europe at Centre for Public Impact
  • Harriet Hunter (co-host), Interim Co-Director for Europe at Centre for Public Impact
  • Gamal “G” Turawa, Founder and Managing Director, Purple Frog Connections
  • Martin Begley and Lara Colraine, Inverclyde Early Help in Custody Service

what does imagination have to do with government?

Season 2: episode 5

The way government currently operates doesn’t support everybody. So what should we do differently?

Imagination is the secret ingredient in most of our best ideas. In this episode, we explore how social imagination could help us find new ways to approach complex challenges. Our guests share examples of imagination in practice, from improving healthcare to commissioning services.

Featured in this episode:

  • Adrian Brown (host), Executive Director at Centre for Public Impact
  • Keira Lowther (co-host), Senior Manager at Centre for Public Impact
  • Cassie Robinson, Associate Director of Emerging Futures, Joseph Rowntree Foundation
  • Hannah McDowall, Co-Director, Canopy

Failure in government

Season 2: episode 4

Everyone fails occasionally.

But when governments fail, it has an impact on real lives. It’s easy for public servants to shy away from talking about failure.

To learn from our mistakes, we must be open and honest and spend time reflecting on them. Join us to hear real stories about failure in government and some examples of how to move forward.

Featured in this episode:

  • Adrian Brown (host), Executive Director at Centre for Public Impact
  • Athena Hughes (co-host), Senior Associate at Centre for Public Impact
  • Carlos Zimbron, CEO, F**kup Nights
  • Dan Vogel, CEO, Flourish Fund
  • Kelly Sifford, Assistant County Manager, Cabarrus County

what on earth is a paradigm shift?

Season 2: episode 3

In this podcast, we talk a lot about change.

We don’t just want to change policies or attitudes, but the whole paradigm.

But what on earth is a paradigm? Join us to explore what a paradigm is, hear practical examples of paradigm shifts, and try to solve the mystery of how we can shift paradigms in public service.


Featured in this episode:

  • Adrian Brown (host), Executive Director at Centre for Public Impact
  • Toby Lowe (co-host), Visiting Professor in Public Management at Centre for Public Impact
  • Henk-Jan Dekker, Researcher, International Centre for Environmental Research and Development
  • Jessica Studdert, Deputy Chief Executive, New Local

long-term thinking

Season 2: episode 2

It’s vital that governments think about and plan for the future, but often, our thinking can be limited.

The models we have in our minds about growth, success, and the environment shape how we imagine life and government in the long term.

This episode explores how governments can find new ways to frame our future, including degrowth and seven-generation thinking.

Featured in this episode:

  • Adrian Brown (host), Executive Director at Centre for Public Impact
  • Javiera Godoy (co-host), Programme Manager at Centre for Public Impact
  • Gabriela Cabaña, Co-founder, Degrowth London
  • Jayne Engle, Mission Co-holder, Dark Matter Labs

Earned Legitimacy

Season 2: episode 1

For a government to be legitimate, it must have its people’s trust. But, many communities across the globe distrust their government.

This episode explores how governments can earn that trust and legitimacy. It is a gradual process that requires time and dedication. So, where do we start?

Featured in this episode:

  • Adrian Brown (host), Executive Director at Centre for Public Impact
  • Naja Nelson (co-host), Senior Associate at Centre for Public Impact
  • Dr. Oliver Escobar, Professor of Public Policy and Democratic Innovation, The University of Edinburgh
  • Jaime Junior, Advocacy and Community Education Coordinator, Disability Network of Wayne County Detroit
  • Cathie Christenson, Team Lead, City of Calgary